Sunday, 4 March 2007

Sunday Afternoon

I am on my own. That is to say that Mrs B is out and I am at home with #1 and #2. They don't really count as company as they are not adult enough to form reasoned arguments as to why they should only be responsible for getting stuff out and I should be responsible for putting said stuff away.

In the absence of Mrs B, I have made them tidy up some toys. Yes, it felt good acting like my own dad for a while. But then I remembered why I don't speak to my Dad so I have decided to join in with their game which seems to consist mainly of fighting each other.

I don't mind this as I feel that the practice will come in handy as they get older and venture away from Sleepy Hollow, and I could do with the practice too.

Amazing how, with a well timed push, a three year old can send a seven year old flying. This is very "martial arts" style and I am impressed with #2. I tell him and he tries it on me, Judas.

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