Tuesday, 27 February 2007

Sick kids

My kids have not been rude for a couple of days. They have been sick. Chesty cough, sore throat, vomiting etc.

Now Mrs B has also succumbed, leaving me Holding the Fort.

This is the problem. When I was growing up, in our house, if you were ill, you were left alone except for the bare minimum of care eg a stale sandwich and a glass of water every so often. Only if hospitalisation was required would any further attention be given.

When Mrs B was growing up, if you were ill, you were lavished with attention. Tucked-up in bed, special food, constant checks of the forehead for a temperature etc.

Sooooo, when I am ill (hardly ever as there is no secondary gain) Mrs B mothers me - which I hate. When Mrs B is ill I ignore her - which she hates.

Right now I should be able to do my own thing with all other members of the household being ignored unless in danger of imminent death, but no I am up and down like a yo yo fetching and carrying and making soothing noises as best I can (which I hate as I feel like a hypocrite).

Why can't everyone be normal like me? Life would be so much easier.



Reading the Signs said...

forgive me but I just had to come over and check to see if you really were ms. melancholy's other half. But reading your post (which I much enjoyed) I don't think so. Thougth of course one can never be sure about anything.

Boris said...


How clever of you to check my blog to see if you could determine if I am Mr M.

Glad you enjoyed the blog.


Ms Melancholy said...

Ms Signs, I can assure you that he isn't. When I am ill, my hubby totally ignores me until I am well again. I would quite like some Boris style attention. In fact, I think I might suggest a swap. Boris?

Boris said...

Ms M, as far as Mrs B is concerned, I DO TOTALLY ignor her when she is ill, but in MY head I am lavishing her with (undeservered due to sickness) attention. There is clearly a perceptive reallity gap in our relationship between ourselves and illness. The only way to test this would be for me to be in close contact with some other sick woman, but I just can't be bothered - one is enough, sorry Ms M.


Ms Melancholy said...

Boris, I have never had such a cold-hearted rejection before. I offer you my sick self, and you don't even consider, that it might be enjoyable. I thought I liked you. I may have to reconsider.

Boris said...

Having read the comments between you and Yellow Duck, I can see that it would get us nowhere, as you would not get any more attention for me as you would from Mr M. In fact Mr M would probably give more attention and he seems to be able to keep the place clean too, which I can't.

I'm not rejecting you - just your illness.


Ms Melancholy said...

Boris, the whole point of writing a blog is so that you can write new posts that people can enjoy. Please entertain me. It is too disappointing when I visit and find you have not written a new post for nearly 3 weeks. I will chastise you severely if you do not start blogging properly. (Whaddya mean, you've got a life?)